River Deep – Mountain High chords by Tina Turner

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River Deep – Mountain High | Chords + Lyrics


| N.C F |3/4 Bb (intro riff) |4/4 Bb (riff) | Bb (riff) |

Verse 1

| Bb N.C | N.C | Eb | Eb | Eb | Eb | Bb | Bb |
When I was a little girl, I had a rag doll, only doll I’ve ever owned.
| Bb | Bb | Eb | Eb | Eb | Eb | Bb | Bb |
Now I love you just the way I loved that rag doll. But only now my love has grown.

Bridge 1

||: F | F | Bb | Bb :|| x3
And it gets stronger, in every way.
And it gets deeper, let me say.
And it gets higher, day by day.

Chorus 1

| Ab | Ab | Ab (Ab G Ab) | Ab (Bb Ab G Ab) |
And do I love you, my oh my.
| Bb | Bb | Bb (Bb A Bb) | Bb (C Bb A Bb) |
Yeah, river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeah, yeah.
| Ab | Ab | Ab (Ab G Ab) | Ab (Bb Ab G Ab) |
If I lost you would I cry.
| Bb | Bb | Bb |6/4 Bb (F) |
Oh how I love you baby. Baby, baby, baby.

Instrumental 1 (as intro)

|3/4 riff |4/4 Bb (riff) | Bb (riff) |

Verse 2

When you were a young boy did you have a puppy, that always followed you around?
Well, I’m gonna be as faithful as that puppy. No, I’ll never let you down.

Bridge 2

‘Cause it grows stronger, like a river flows.
And it gets bigger baby, and heaven knows.
And it gets sweeter baby, as it grows.

Chorus 2

And do I love you, my oh my.
Yeah, river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And if I lost you would I cry.
| Bb | Bb | Bb | Bb |6/4 Bb (F Ab A) |
Oh how I love you baby. Baby, baby, baby.

Middle 8 (new riff)

||: Bb (m8 riff) | Bb (m8 riff) :|| x6
I love you baby like a flower loves the spring.
And I love you baby like a Robin loves to sing.
||: Eb (m8 riff) | Eb (m8 riff) :||
And I love you baby like a school boy loves his pet.
| Bb (riff) | Bb (riff) | Bb N.C (Bb F Ab) | Bb (F Ab A) |
And I love you baby, river deep, mountain high.
||: Bb (riff) | Bb (riff) :|| x6
Oh baby, hey yeah, baby, oh, baby, yeah, hey, yeah.

Chorus 3

Do I love you my oh my, oh my.
Yeah river deep, mountain high, yeah, yeah, yeah.
If I lost you would I cry.
Oh, how I love you baby. Baby, baby, baby.


|3/4 Bb (intro riff) |4/4 Bb (riff) | Bb (riff) | Bb N.C |

River Deep – Mountain High Chords: Learn the progressions!

Tina Turner‘s epic River Deep – Mountain High is surprisingly not on too many working Soul band’s repertoires. I put this down to the arrangement having different time signatures, not strange chords.

I’ve played in many bands that attempted this tune without a rehearsal or a new member booked at the last minute, it often turned into a car crash.

You can turn this into an advantage if you have a band with a steady lineup. All you have to do is get your time signatures right and you have an awesome tune, maybe even the highlight of the night!

Once you’ve sorted out all the time signature issues, the River Deep – Mountain High’s verse chords move between IV – I in the key of Bb, like this:

| Bb (I) N.C | N.C | Eb (IV) | Eb | Eb | Eb | Bb | Bb |
| Bb | Bb | Eb | Eb | Eb | Eb | Bb | Bb |

The bridge is just chord V and then back to chord I, like this:

||: F (V) | F | Bb (I) | Bb :|| x3

After using the three most obvious chords (I, IV, and V) we start the chorus with the bVIIx, also known as the back door dominant. The notes in brackets are bass lines.

| Ab (bVIIx) | Ab | Ab (Ab G Ab) | Ab (Bb Ab G Ab) |
| Bb (I) | Bb | Bb (Bb A Bb) | Bb (C Bb A Bb) |
| Ab | Ab | Ab (Ab G Ab) | Ab (Bb Ab G Ab) |
| Bb | Bb | Bb |6/4 Bb (F) |

There’s a time signature analysis as well as the TAB to set you and your band on the right path, follow this link to get it: River Deep – Mountain High – Guitar Lesson with TAB.

Learn this and a simple chord chart is all you need as a reminder on the night.

River Deep - Mountain High chord chart.

River Deep – Mountain High Chord Chart | PDF + iReal Pro

Should you want to download this chart, here’s a PDFRiver Deep – Mountain High Chord Chart PDF.

This chart was created using iRealPro, here’s a link to that file: River Deep – Mountain High iReal Pro. Using this and the iRealPro app, you can change the key.

River Deep – Mountain High is one of the greatest songs of all time!

Ranked at #33 on Rolling Stones 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time, River Deep – Mountain High was written and produced by Phil Spector.

The tune was part of a bigger deal where Spector signed Ike and Tina to his label Phillies, River Deep – Mountain High was also the name of the album which was released in 1966.

All songs Spector recorded with Ike & Tina were done using his legendary wall of sound technique where several instruments would play the same part, at the same time, not as an overdub.

This trick was also used in the late ’80s by Jeff Lynne when he recorded End Of The Line with the Traveling Wilburys, although Jeff only did it with acoustic guitars.

River Deep – Mountain High Chords | Related Pages

River Deep – Mountain High | Guitar Lesson + TAB

River Deep, Mountain High TAB lesson.

With this guitar lesson, you can learn to play River Deep – Mountain High by Tina Turner using TAB and chord analysis.

Bb N.C | N.C | Eb | Eb | Eb | Eb | Bb | Bb |
When I was a little girl, I had a rag doll, only doll I’ve ever owned…

Five similar tunes | Chords + Lyrics

When you can play River Deep - Mountain High's chords, try these five tunes from the songbook.

Phil Spector tunes

Find out more about Phil Spector, the man who wrote River Deep - Mountain High's chords.

Phil Spector is a guitarist, record producer, and songwriter who found fame working with The Crystals, The Ronettes, Tina Turner, and The Beatles.

His biggest hits include River Deep, Mountain High, Unchained Melody, Be My Baby, The Long And Winding Road, My Sweet Lord, Let It Be, and Imagine.

Phil Spector on the web

Listen to Phil Spector on Spotify.

Tina Turner tunes

Tina Turner sang River Deep - Mountain High.

Tina Turner was discovered by Ike, joined his band, and even married him. Together they achieved great success with many hits.

Off stage, Ike was an abusive husband, when they divorced Tina would embark on a remarkable solo career and Ike would end up the most hated man in America.

Tina Turner on the web

Listen to Tina Turner on Spotify.

About me | Dan Lundholm

Dan Lundholm wrote this guitar lesson about River Deep - Mountain High chords.

This was a guitar lesson about River Deep – Mountain High’s chords, by Dan Lundholm. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not by practising scales or studying theory in isolation.


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