Dancing In The Moonlight chords by King Harvest

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Dancing In The Moonlight | Chords + Lyrics


| Cm7 | Fm7 (A) | Bb69 | Eb Bb/D |
| Cm7 | Fm7 (A) | Bb69 | D7sus4 G | Cm7 N.C |
We get it, 

Verse 1

| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
almost every night, when that moon gets so big and bright, it’s a super-
| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
natural delight, everybody was dancin’ in the moonlight.

Instrumental 1

| Fm7 (A) | Bb69 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 N.C |

Verse 2

| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
here is out of sight, they don’t bark and they don’t bite. They keep things 
| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
loose, they keep things light, everybody was dancin’ in the moonlight.

Chorus 1

| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
Dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s feelin’ warm and right, it’s such a, 
| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
fine and natural sight. Everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight. We like our, 

Verse 3

| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
fun and we never fight, you can’t dance and stay uptight. it’s a super-
| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
natural delight, everybody was dancin’ in the moonlight.

Chorus 2

| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
Dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s feelin’ warm and right, it’s such a 
| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
fine and natural sight. Everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight. 

Instrumental 2

| Fm7 (A) | Bb69 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
| Fm7 (A) | Bb69 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 N.C |

Verse 4

| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
here is out of sight, they don’t bark and they don’t bite. They keep things, 
| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
loose, they keep things light, everybody was dancin’ in the moonlight. Everybody’s 

Chorus 3

||: Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |
||: Dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s feelin’ warm and right, it’s such a 
| Fm7 (A) | Bb7 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 :|| x4
fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s. :|| x4

Who wrote Dancing In The Moonlight?

Everybody in the U.K. knows Dancing In The Moonlight by Toploader, released in 1999, was a cover. As a single, it did very well, becoming a worldwide hit, selling 1.8 million copies in the U.K. alone.

The album (which the song featured on) sold almost 1 million copies, clearly down to the fact that Dancing In The Moonlight is on there.

Most people know Dancing In The Moonlight is also a song by Thin Lizzy (1977) and you’d be forgiven for believing this is what Toploader covered since Thin Lizzy’s song was also a hit and they (kind of) have the same name.

The Thin Lizzy tune is actually called Dancing In The Moonlight (It’s Caught Me In Its Spotlight), which is a mouthful!

Listen to them both and you’ll soon realize that these are two completely different songs.

What Toploader covered was actually a song written by Sherman Kelly, way back in 1969. First recorded by his band Boffalongo in 1970 and then covered, with more success by King Harvest in 1972.

It’s the King Harvest version that Toploader covered almost 30 years later.

The serious guitarist looks at all three songs’ chords and lyrics so when somebody requests it, they can say: Which one? King Harvest, Toploader, or Thin Lizzy?

Dancing In The Moonlight (King Harvest) Chords: Learn the progressions!

Apart from the intro, the entire chord progression is just II – V – I – VI. With the 7th of the I chord as a leading note to chord VI. Like this:

||: Fm7 | Bb7 | Eb Eb/D | Cm7 :||

Starting on chord II makes it feel as if the loop can carry on forever. Looking at my top 10 chord progressions, this is a combination of #4, the II – V, and #7, the minor fall.

Let’s now take a look at Toploader’s cover version released in 1999. They’ve changed the chords and lyrics.

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Dancing In The Moonlight | Chords + Lyrics (Toploader)


| Fm7 Fm9 | Bb Bb6 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 Cm7/Bb |
| Fm7 Fm9 | Bb Bb6 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |

Verse 1

| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
We get it almost every night, when that moon is big and bright, it’s a super-
| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
natural delight, everybody dancin’ in the moonlight. 

Instrumental 1

| Fm7 Fm9 | Bb Bb6 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |

Verse 2

| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
Everybody here is out of sight, They don’t bark and they don’t bite.
| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
They keep things loose, they keep it tight. Everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight.

Chorus 1

| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
Dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s feelin’ warm and right.
| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
It’s such a fine and natural sight. Everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight.

Instrumental 2

| Fm7 Fm9 | Bb Bb6 | Eb Bb/D | Cm7 |

Verse 3

| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
We like our fun and we never fight, you can’t dance and stay uptight, it’s a super-
| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
natural delight. Everybody was dancin’ in the moonlight.

Chorus 2

| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
Dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s feelin’ warm and right.  
| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm |
It’s such a fine and natural sight. Everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight.

Instrumental 2

| F7sus4 | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Bb |
| Fsus4 | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7 |

Verse 4

| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7 |
We get it almost every night, when that moon is big and bright, it’s a super-
| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
natural delight. Everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight.

Chorus 3

| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
Dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s feelin’ warm and right.
| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7 |
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight.

Chorus 4 (breakdown)

| N.C | N.C | N.C | N.C |
Dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s feelin’ warm and right.
| N.C | N.C | N.C | N.C |
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight.

Chorus 5 (breakdown)

| N.C | N.C | N.C | N.C |
Dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s feelin’ warm and right.
| N.C | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7 |
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight.

Chorus 6

| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
||: Dancin’ in the moonlight, everybody’s feelin’ warm and right.
| Fm | Bb | Eb Bb/D | Cm Cm7/Bb |
It’s such a fine and natural sight, everybody’s dancin’ in the moonlight. :||

Dancing In The Moonlight (Toploader) Chords: Learn the progressions

Toploader has simplified the progression, there’s no extra D7sus4 or G chord in the intro, and the Bb69 is now just a Bb6.

Instead of Eb/D, they play Bb/D, and perhaps most importantly, the bass carries on down to a Cm7/Bb at the end of the loop.

  • The intro/instrumental section is now this: Fm7Fm9BbBb6EbBb/DCm7Cm7/Bb
  • The breakdown is new, looks like this: F7sus4BbEb – Bb/DCmBb 
  • The verse loop is: FmBbEbBb/DCmCm7/Bb

Dancing In The Moonlight Chords | Related Pages

Five similar tunes | Chords + Lyrics

When you can play Dancing In The Moonlight's chords, try these five tunes from the songbook.

King Harvest tunes

King Harvest made Dancing In The Moonlight famous.

King Harvest is best known for their 1973 hit Dancing In The Moonlight, a tune one of their band members had already released.

Formed in Paris by American musicians, they recorded their hit, broke up, and then reunited when it started getting airplay.

King Harvest on the web

Listen to King Harvest on Spotify.

Toploader tunes

Toploader covered Dancing In The Moonlight and became a one-hit wonder band.

Toploader is best known for covering Dancing In The Moonlight (1999). The idea came from their producer Dave Eringa.

Recording their debut album when the music industry was full of cash, they spent time in both London and Los Angeles studios.

Toploader on the web

Listen to Toploader on Spotify.

About me | Dan Lundholm

Dan Lundholm wrote this guitar lesson on Dancing In The Moonlight's chords.

This was a guitar lesson about Dancing In The Moonlight chords, by Dan Lundholm. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not by practising scales or studying theory in isolation.


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