The Killers tunes

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Somebody told me Mr. Brightside is a Human!

Formed by guitarist Dave and vocalist Brandon in Las Vegas in 2001, The Killers lineup was completed a year later once they’d settled on Mark and Ronnie for bass and drum duties.

The first album, Hot Fuss, came in 2004 and contained the band’s two biggest tunes to date, Mr. Brightside and Somebody Told Me.

The album claimed the top spot in the U.K. charts, and the two first singles achieved the same in the indie charts.

Mr. Brightside became so big it would go on to become a standard in every cover band’s repertoire, often being the final tune of the set or even the encore.

The follow-up album Sam’s Town arrived in 2006 and again, the first single When You Were Young did very well, although this time it didn’t get picked up by every band on the circuit.

The second single, Bones, also did reasonably well although perhaps it lacked the clear in-your-face chorus the band had done so well with previously.

Day & Age, released in 2008 kept the trend going with a successful first single. This time it was Human and the clarity was there again so the fans could sing along without hesitation.

U.K. TV show Fast and Loose had a brilliant section called interpretive dance where comedian David Armand performed Human. Check the playlist above!

Following the first three albums, as of 2023, The Killers have released a further four albums, unfortunately, no tunes have had any significant impact on popular culture since the 2008 single Human.

Cover bands and DJs are still playing Mr. Brightside almost two decades later.

The Killers Tunes | Related Pages

Mr. Brightside

Mr. Brightside chords lesson.

You can learn how to play Mr. Brightside by The Killers using chords, lyrics, chord analysis, a chord chart, and the original recording.

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Coming out of my cage and I’ve been doing just fine…

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About me | Dan Lundholm

Dan Lundholm wrote this article on The Killers tunes.

This was an article about The Killers tunes, by Dan Lundholm. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not by practising scales or studying theory in isolation.


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