Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) chords by The Jacksons

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Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) | Chords + Lyrics


||: G7omit3 G7sus4 F/G G7 | G7omit3 G7sus4 F/G G7 :|| (keyboard chords)
||: G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 | G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 :||

Verse 1

||: G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 | G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 :||
I don’t know what’s gonna happen to you, baby.
But I do know that I love you.
You walk around this town with your head all up in the sky.
And I do know that I want you.

Chorus 1

||: G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 | G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 :||
||: Let’s dance, let’s shout (shout), shake your body down to the ground :|| x4

Instrumental 1

||: G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 | G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 :||

Verse 2

You tease me with your loving to play hard to get.
Cause you do know that I want you.
You walk around this town with your head all up in the sky.
And you do know that I want you.

Chorus 2

||: Let’s dance, let’s shout (shout), shake your body down to the ground :|| x4

Instrumental 2

Shake it all down.

Verse 3

You’re the spark that lit the fire inside of me.
And you do know that I love it.
I need to do just something to get closer to your soul.
And you do know that I want you.

Chorus 3

||: Let’s dance, let’s shout (shout), shake your body down to the ground :|| x4

Instrumental 3

||: G7 G6 | G7 G9 :|| x4

Verse 4

||: G7 G6 | G7 :||
You tease me with your loving to play hard to get.
Cause you do know that I want you.
I need to do just something to get closer to your soul.
And you do know that I want you.

Chorus 4

||: G7  G6 | G7 (G9) :||
Let’s dance (dance), let’s shout (shout), shake your body down to the ground.
Let’s dance (dance), let’s shout (come on, shout), shake your body down to the ground (are you aroused?).
Let’s dance (dance), let’s shout (come on, shout), shake your body down to the ground.
Let’s dance (dance), let’s shout (and shout), shake it over.

Instrumental 4

||: G7  G6 | G7 (G9) :||
Ow! Down, down, down, down, down, yeah down.
||: G7  G6 | G7  G9 :||
Shake it over. Oh! You know I will move for you.

Chorus 5 (as chorus 4)

Let’s dance (dance), let’s shout (dance, shout), shake your body down to the ground.
Dance, dance shout.
Dance, dance shout.Dance, dance shout.

Shake Your Body Down Chords: Learn the progressions

The problem with defining Shake Your Body Down To The Ground’s chords is that you’ll get a different answer, depending on which band member you ask.

The keyboard player, guitarist 1 and 2 will give you three different answers to what the chords are.

The keys player will say it’s this:

||: G7omit3 G7sus4 F/G G7 | G7omit3 G7sus4 F/G G7 :||

Or perhaps he’ll describe it using different extensions but once you’ve translated what he says to guitar speak, that’s what you’ll end up with trying to play on guitar.

However, that’s not what Guitar 1 plays. Guitar 1 plays this:

||: G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 | G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 :||

When the keys play an F/G, the guitar plays a G7. So the note C is coming from the keys, the note B from the guitar, that’s a semitone apart, clashy but funky!

Should you ask guitar 2, he’ll say it’s this:

||: G7  G6 | G7  G9 :||

Although sometimes he’ll just loop the first bar and sometimes it’s not a 6 at all. So plenty to be confused about!

What I’ve written above for the chords and lyrics is a “best of” which, once you’ve got the TAB, will make complete sense, without it, it’s just a lot of extensions to be confused by.

Here’s a link to the TAB lesson: Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) – Guitar Lesson with TAB.

If you are the only guitar player in the band, you should probably move between guitar 1 and 2, maybe even combine the parts at times.

And should you have no keyboard player, you need to play what the keys do, at least for the intro!

Having returned enlightened from the TAB lesson, all you need is this chord chart and an open mind.

Shake Your Body Down chord chart.

Shake Your Body Down Chord Chart | PDF + iReal Pro

Should you want to download this chart, here’s a PDFShake Your Body Down Chord Chart PDF.

This chord chart was created using iReal Pro, here’s a link to that file: Shake Your Body Down iReal Pro. Using this and the iRealPro app, you can change the key.

Shake Your Body Down was conceived using reference tracks!

“Inspired” by Teddy Pendergrass’ Get Up, Get Down, Get Funky, Get Loose, and Marvin Gaye’s Got To Give it Up, Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) was The Jacksons‘ last big hit, released a year after Blame It On The Boogie.

By now they’d changed name several times, moved away from Motown, and Michael had started to seriously plan his solo career.

Released in 1979, when Disco was still happening, this floor filler is still played 40+ years later.

From a songwriter’s point of view, this song is really interesting, listen to the tracks I referenced earlier and then also to Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines, which was also “inspired” by Marvin Gaye’s Got To Give It Up.

Also, look into how The Jacksons covered Blame It In The Boogie and you’ll soon start to realize that songwriting at the highest level is more of a craft than waiting for Divine inspiration!

Shake Your Body Down Chords | Related Pages

Shake Your Body Down | Guitar Lesson + TAB

Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) TAB lesson.

With this guitar lesson, you can learn to play Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) by The Jacksons using TAB and chord analysis.

||: G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 | G7omit3 G7sus4 G7 :||
I don’t know what’s gonna happen to you, baby…

Five similar tunes | Chords + Lyrics

When you can play Shake Your Body Down's chords, try these five tunes from the songbook.

Michael Jackson tunes

Michael Jackson recorded Shake Your Body Down with his band The Jacksons.

The King of Pop became world-famous before he was even a teenager as he signed to Motown with his brothers as The Jackson 5.

After many hits, Michael Jackson embarked on a crazy solo career that would see him become as big as Elvis and The Beatles.

Michael Jackson on the web

Listen to Michael Jackson on Spotify.

About me | Dan Lundholm

Dan Lundholm wrote this guitar lesson about Shake Your Body Down chords.

This was a guitar lesson about Shake Your Body Down’s chords, by Dan Lundholm. Discover more about him and how you can learn guitar with Spytunes.

Most importantly, find out why you should learn guitar through playing tunes, not by practising scales or studying theory in isolation.


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